Ipod battery


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Does anybody have any experience on ipod batteries for sale on ebay.

Daughter has mini ipod that battery only lasts 2 hrs. Lots of batteries for sale on ebay but are they any good?

Before buying a new battery make sure one is needed. Perhaps a defrag of the iPod's hard disk and other configuration changes (e.g. reducing the backlight and.or screen saver timeout etc.) might increase battery lifetime?
I went through a spell with my iPod mini where it was significantly down on battery time. I started investigating the various routes through which the battery might be replaced but, in the mean time, performed a factory reset (after backing up the contents), upgraded the firmware and just resumed my previous usage habits (albeit with less battery power). After a while, I find that the battery life has come back. It didn't come back immediately after the rescue operation so I can't attribute it to that but I haven't done anything else to it.
also I believe battery life depends on how you use the iPod. If you shuffle a lot then battery life will be reduced, playlists are best.
Thanks for the reply.

I will try the defrag of the hard drive as there is approx 2 gig used.
Actually one of those links mentions a complete reinstall as opposed to a defrag - however, worth trying the various tips and tricks for getting the most out of a battery before deciding that one is actually needed. Shuffle mode will indeed use up more memory as will anything else that causes the hard disk to work harder and militates against continuous, sequential, buffered playback.
SirOurs said:
also I believe battery life depends on how you use the iPod. If you shuffle a lot then battery life will be reduced, playlists are best.

Plus, using Sound Check or Equalizer uses up more battery as the iPod has to do more processing.

Check out here for more tips on preserving battery life on iPods (some of them will apply to other MP3 players too).
If none of the above work though and you need a new battery, your left with 2 choices.
You can either replace it yourself after buying a battery from ebay (and run the risk messing it up completely) or you could pay someone to do it.

I was in a similar situation a few months back, decided to get a registered Apple supplier in Blanch (www.mactivate.ie) to do it for me. Cost E80 and only took then 5 mins to do.

By the way, i'm not tied to this company in any way. I just found them very reasonable to deal with.
Replacing my battery didnt actually work in the end.... there was an internal problem. When I told them this they were kind enough to give me my money back and allowed me to keep the new battery they had installed.

Best of luck with it,
A recent issue of the Sunday Business Post (possibly last weekend's) had a feature on MP3 players and included a panel about iPod battery replacement which said that Apple Ireland charge €80 + P&P to replace iPod batteries (not sure which models). The article also mentioned a few other cheaper alternatives. I was just reading it in the coffee shop so I don't have it to hand to post more details. Nor can I find it online as their site is a nightmare to navigate/search. Sorry! :eek:
ClubMan said:
A recent issue of the Sunday Business Post (possibly last weekend's) had a feature on MP3 players and included a panel about iPod battery replacement which said that Apple Ireland charge €80 + P&P to replace iPod batteries (not sure which models). The article also mentioned a few other cheaper alternatives. I was just reading it in the coffee shop so I don't have it to hand to post more details. Nor can I find it online as their site is a nightmare to navigate/search. Sorry! :eek:

You should be able to find it in the Technology section [broken link removed].
Afraid not - maybe the small panel article was not published online. If I think of it and am in the coffee shop again soon I'll try and note the details in the panel article in question.
Clubman, I have the article and can add the relevant details later on - is it ok to quote verbatim from the article?
I checked the article this morning and it mentions www.interbatteries.co.uk as one source of replacement batteries for c. €15 (possible excluding VAT and/or P&P). Not sure why they chose that one from the many sources out there. Shop around and if buying from eBay check the seller's rating/reputation and only buy from trusted sellers. The other site mentioned is www.ipodbattery.com which they said explains how to DIY replacement of iPod and other non Apple MP3 player batteries. However I can't see anything other than another shop.