iPhone4 - I need help with entering and editing contacts


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I have imported my contacts from old Nokia to my iPhone4. I am in the process of tidying them up and I have 4 entries for my sister as she has 4 phone numbers - home, work, direct line work, and mobile. How can I have them under one name entry? I think I have to add fields, but am not sure how to go about it.

Also, using aforesaid sister as an example, I want to enter an e-mail address for her too.

Can anyone help?

Thank you

TBH I would leave them as it makes it possible to export back them up easier than one big entry

page 215 -217 explain it here
Open contacts- select person (your sister) - edit button top right of screen - you can add another phone no & email. - then press done. Repeat process & u can add another phone for same contact.
Also - when adding a new number, where it says "home" or 'iphone' you can press the word "home" & it gives the options to add fax, iPhone, work, main etc.
Thank you gm88 - that's the function I was looking for, though hastalavista may have a point.

