iPad mini tablet safer than iPhone 5 for data downloading?

There's no problem doing Netflix on your phone once you're confident you know how to turn your cellular data off and ascertain from the on-screen symbols that you are using Wifi, i.e. that it looks something like this:

... and not any other writing such as this:

So basically my original thought that If I connect to wi-fi on an iPhone, I can watch things on the Netflix app without using up mymonthly data plan is not guaranteed even though cellular data etc is off? Maybe the iPhone 5 is not such a smartphone after all!

I would have thought that using wifi with an iPhone for Netflix etc I wouldn't have had to be concerned about exceeding data limit and incurring extra charges as cellular data would not be being used. Now it seems safest option is to watch netflix through my wii on the Tv. i honestly thought watching netflix on iphone using wifi only, the only extra thing I would have to pay if on wi fi would be the monthly fee for netflix and our phone bill for texts and calls as cellular data on phone off.
Thanks to everyone. I feel much clearer about it all now and I think setting up the wii is the best idea.
They are only as smart as their users unfortunately

This is the case but I dont think anyone is confident that you actually disabled cellular data and were infact connected to the WIFI at ALL times.

Yes watching Netflix on laptop should also be fine, you can use that in bed.