Invoice from Main Dealer for "diagnosing" problem


Registered User
Took my car to the Main Dealer to diagnose what I thought were small problems. I told them to call me when they knew what the problems were and how much it was going to cost. Dropped the car at 9am, by 5pm still no call so I went to collect it. Told they had been working on it all day!

Keys won't lock car - Sent the keys to autokey in Dublin - told no problem with keys. Main Dealer couldn't get to the bottom of it! Suggested replacing a DWA unit which will cost approx €500 to supply & fit but they still won't guarantee that this will fix the problem with the keys. Their arguement was that they could spend another 4 or 5 hrs diagnosing the problem which would cost €500 so you might aswell spend that and get a new DWA unit!

Radio is scrambling memorised stations - couldn't get to the bottom of this - possibly a new radio which would have to be programmed to the car - cost at least €1800 for a new radio

Windscreen washer not working ( I had tried a pin in the nozzle) - told they "think" it might be grit in the filter which is part of the container. About 4hrs labour to remove the container and clean filter! Cost €400

Fuel cap won't open by pushing in - small seal missing "few pennies" but they didn't have it in stock!

I have 2 problems - 1 ) Main Dealer couldn't diagnose the problem despite having the car for a full day 2) after failing to diagnose the problems (except the small seal) they still charged €160.

Am I being unfair? Was the €160 warranted? Is it acceptable for a Main Dealer to fail to diagnose the problems?
They did spend time on it, so they are entitled to charge something.

The blanket guess and replace attitude is shocking though.

Maybe a radio €1800 what the hell, That must be some sound system.

I would be very unimpressed with the diagnostic skills of main dealer

If you are near dublinI would suggest giving the lads in MKW a shout.
Excellent at figuring out fiddly stuff that others can't figure out.
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Thanks for your comments - I wasn't sure if I was being unreasonable. I did pay the €160 because as you say they did spend time on the car. I would question whether they spent the entire day as they suggested.

I am also surprised by their attitude of "we'll try this - it might work" I would have expected that from Joe Bloggs not a Main Dealer. Is that not what diagnostic equipment is for? Perhaps the rest of their clientele don't ask for prices and just want the problem fixed whatever the cost but not me! As for the radio - it's just a standard radio - the original radio - seems a ridiculous price but I was told it could be worse - some other models cost €4k!
What kind of car and what year is it. ?? After this info we can then determine if you are been daft.
I have found that when you leave a car into a main dealer with a list of small problems will often result in a charge for each problem listed - I left my 3 series into a main dealer listing 5 problems, and for a main service. I suggested that the 5 problems might all be related to a dodgy battery. When I returned, I had been charged €50 per problem listed, plus the cost of the service, and then told that they had charged the battery and all would be OK. Needed to replace the battery on the following week anyway, luckily the previous weeks work was on account and hadn't been paid for so I was able to argue the case and have the €250 taken off the bill.
Essentially, if you go to a main dealer listing numerous problems, they will apply a miniumum charge at least per problem investigated, this is due to their computerised job sheets.
Cars are becoming increasingly complicated, it would appear that there is a grey area in diagnostics, It is becoming a specialised area and I doubt the ability of a lot of mechanics who are doing other mechanical work and not at diagnostics all of the time.
Some of the modern cars will be a nightmare when they are older. However in the Cork, Little Island area, there is a guy who seems to know what he is talking about, “Autotech” telephone 087 9500157.
Sometimes they will not charge the diagnosing fee, if you have an ongoing relationship with them (ie car purchase and service history)