Investments in Dollar



Hi just a quick question if anybody is willing to help.Basically I recently cashed in my new Ireland investments as I was not happy with some of there services,I am now with Rabo and am interested in some of their funds,my query is some of these funds seem to be held in Dollars-if the Dollar was to collapse in the morning how would the funds be affected.Would I end up with $$$s more devalued Dollars of the fund and when I cash it in against our own currency at the time would I end up with a whole load of worthless Dollars?? Thanks

If you invest in dollars then of course you are exposed to FX risk! Even if you invest in funds designated in Euros you can still have an indirect FX risk if the fund holds US securities, unless of course they are hedged against the Euro.

I recently cashed in my new Ireland investments as I was not happy with some of there services,

Congratulations on ridding yourself from these gangsters. They simply do not deserve to be mentioned on a decent forum like this.

Before you go off and invest your money again, think about it ?? The funds operated by banks are fraught with charges which you as an Investor will pay. Disregard the Annual Management Charge which is only a small piece of the charges. There is the TER charges on all funds which amount to quite an extra lump, the sales charges and all the other charges which are never disclosed.

Have you considered looking at ETFs ? These are similar investment products, but the charges are significantly less. There are hundreds to choose from so there must be some to invest that may suit you, and you certainly won't have the hassle you had with New Ireland.
Im currently looking at all my options,things a bit risky everywhere at the mo so a bit of hindsight would be nice if anybody has some spare.Thanks for the genuine replies anyway guys--bar that last one!!