Investment Trusts: how did you buy yours?


Registered User
Just wonder what is the best way to buy an IT.
Does it make sense going through a broker or buying direct online,also is it possible to make suggestions of particular trusts that could be researched for 7 to 10 year investment plan.
For research, buy Financial Times and google the Trusts you are interested in.
Just wonder what is the best way to buy an IT.
Does it make sense going through a broker or buying direct online,also is it possible to make suggestions of particular trusts that could be researched for 7 to 10 year investment plan.

Assumed you could only buy through a broker?
Investment Trusts are traded on the LSE just like shares - so any brokerage account will do - online, telephone or whatever
Interesting @Sarenco, would there be advantages to using a saving plan in BMO over buying shares in F&C via a broker and the related ability to offset against losses etc. How would revenue treat a UK savings ac?