Investment property in thriving midland town

If its Portlaoise, I would reconsider ... again on the supply side there is a lot of supply >700 over next 6 months and it is not considered as good a town as Tullamore
thanks Smurf, it isn't Portlaoise as it so happens, it is Clonmel. But I think we will wait a while and see what happens over the next few months. We still want to buy, but I think we may get something cheaper in a few months time. All the formulas (and discussions) have been great, have a better feel for it all now. Thanks to everyone for contributions!
But I think we will wait a while and see what happens over the next few months. We still want to buy, but I think we may get something cheaper in a few months time.
Buy to let is a long term investment. Beware timing the market as nobody knows what future will bring both on the rental and interest rate perspective. The calculations above factor in below inflation capital appreciation which over a 20 year plus period is most unlikely as property generally outperforms inflation in the long run. True on a 3-5 year basis you may have zero or negative growth but over the long term you will beat inflation in general. In my book based on the details you have given that looks attractive to me. Many of the doom merchants are traders that flip and get burnt imho and are after the fast buck. Thankfully if we do get a period of zero growth it may rustle a few of these "investors" out of the market.
thanks for that Markowitzman. I thought the figures added up too, for a long term investment, but I think we will wait til Jan anyway.