Investment in Windfarm


Registered User
Has anyone invested in a windfarm? I have an opportunity to invest but find it difficult to find information on whether or not it is a good investment. The company has been in existence for about 6 years, has 5 wind turbines but their accounts do not help with making a decision since the company has not commenced operation yet. Any experience or advice appreciated.
I presume that it is not quoted on any stock exchange. Why take the risk on an unlisted, and therefore illuiqid, security. I believe you would be better off, if you want to invest in Windfarms, putting it into a listed security with known revenues, history etc. e.g. Gamesa or Vestas Wind,(I am not recommending these - just listing as examples if you want to look them up) .
Valuations of wind-related shares are stronly correlated to the oil price - i.e. if oil drops, wind-related shares drop.
If the company has been in operation for 6 years and has 5 Wind Turbines, what the heck are they doing. The hard work of installing the Turbines and I ask what is going on. If you really want to make an Investment try Dolmen Stockbrokers who have had two recent projects in relation to Wind turbines.
Large capital outlay and no earnings? No thank you.

Growth stocks are the past. These firms usually go for 15-30 times earnings. Too expensive for me.