Investment in Foreign property



I work part-time, husband fulltime. We have two toddlers, no morgage. Have over 150,000e in saving. Some of the money is been used for the SSIA scheme, some invested in tracker bonds, most of the money in sitting there gaining little or no interest. Considering buying abroad, like Budapest or France leaseback scheme. I like to feel comfortable that if the property is not rented in the Budapest case that I would be able to make repayments on loan. Has anyone any suggestion on what to do?
Egan said:
Some of the money is been used for the SSIA scheme,
Presumably you are maximising the contributions (€254 per month) on two SSIAs so?

Considering buying abroad, like Budapest or France leaseback scheme.
Did you review your financial situation and goals, assess different possible investment alternatives and arrive at the conclusion that further property investment (i.e. in addition to your principal private residence) was the most appropriate one for you?

I like to feel comfortable that if the property is not rented in the Budapest case that I would be able to make repayments on loan.
What do you mean by this?
Are you making the most of any pension opportunities open to you? What's your attitude to risk? Have you considered straight stock market investments? Personally, I think you'd be crazy to rush off the Budapest or elsewhere. Have a good read of the Guide and consider paying for professional investment advice from an Authorised Advisor.
I have split the more generalise follow-on debate into this thread so as not to distract from discussion of the original substantive query.