My wife and I - both early thirties.. having recently taken jobs in co. Waterford - sold our house in Dublin in December - so have no mortgage.. Now with ~200k in the bank (Northern Rock demand online) - no loans, have pensions and ~30k in shares are wondering what next. We expect to buy a house with a 381k limit - but unsure how long to wait.. 800per month is current rent.. What are the best option for the 200k hard earned cash..? combined salaries or about 120k..
My wife and I - both early thirties.. having recently taken jobs in co. Waterford - sold our house in Dublin in December - so have no mortgage.. Now with ~200k in the bank (Northern Rock demand online) - no loans, have pensions and ~30k in shares are wondering what next. We expect to buy a house with a 381k limit - but unsure how long to wait.. 800per month is current rent.. What are the best option for the 200k hard earned cash..? combined salaries or about 120k..