Investing now to help kids get on the property ladder in 10 years

Very inexperienced with stocks , and that' why we hadnt really considered it. Beginning to appreciate the liquidity of shares vs property afer answere here
Yes, it's really to hedge re property prices. It's to have options in the future re helping them.
Very inexperienced with stocks/share , and that' why we hadnt really considered it. Beginning to appreciate the liquidity of shares vs property afer answers here - thank you . And also difficulties of being a small landlord. I'm embarrased to say, I had to google RPZ
Thanks Premos. Personally I wouldnt envisage it as place for the kids in the short-ish term . Unless they give us the market rent! ;-) It's more for when they need/want to settle down . I know that could be sooner, or even never - who knows. And it may not be in Dubin... it's more to give us options. And see previous posts I replied to today. Thanks again for reply