1st time poster avid reader - a somewhat familiar q but want to make sure I do the right thing.
Personal details
Your age: 47
Your spouse's age: 47
Number and age of children: 3 (12,11,6)
Income and expenditure
Annual gross : 130K private company
Annual gross of spouse: 80K public servant
Monthly take-home pay: 8-9K
In general are you:
(b) saving - somewhat.
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home value: €850K
Mortgage on family home: ~210K
Net equity: 630K
Cash: €210K
Defined Contribution pension fund:
You - 27K / year DB + €410K DC
Spouse - €75K lump sum + 15K / year DB
Buy to Let Property value: €100K
Buy to let Mortgage: €50k (spouses house with brother) rent ~ covers mortgage.
Savings/state savings/s&p = €120K saving €500 / mnth.
Family home mortgage information
Interest rate - PTSB 2.5% fixed until end of 2025
Remaining term: 10 yrs
Monthly repayment: €2,200
Other loans = none
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each - yes
Rough annual expenses other than mortgage interest : ~ €70K
Other information which might be relevant
Life insurance: both covered with life, mortgage & income protection
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
- What to do with €220K (inheritance)?
Plan a - pay €170K off mortgage, €50K in savings. Then increase AVCs.
Should I put €50K in state savings or what specific investment would people advise?
Option b - Pay ~€100K off mortgage invest €120K (kids education etc) & increase AVCs?
Plan C - Pay €210K of mortgage & increase AVCs. Thinking €120K + 500/ month invested will cover & if not we can dial down AVCs later.
All guidance/other option appreciated.
Thank you again.
Personal details
Your age: 47
Your spouse's age: 47
Number and age of children: 3 (12,11,6)
Income and expenditure
Annual gross : 130K private company
Annual gross of spouse: 80K public servant
Monthly take-home pay: 8-9K
In general are you:
(b) saving - somewhat.
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home value: €850K
Mortgage on family home: ~210K
Net equity: 630K
Cash: €210K
Defined Contribution pension fund:
You - 27K / year DB + €410K DC
Spouse - €75K lump sum + 15K / year DB
Buy to Let Property value: €100K
Buy to let Mortgage: €50k (spouses house with brother) rent ~ covers mortgage.
Savings/state savings/s&p = €120K saving €500 / mnth.
Family home mortgage information
Interest rate - PTSB 2.5% fixed until end of 2025
Remaining term: 10 yrs
Monthly repayment: €2,200
Other loans = none
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each - yes
Rough annual expenses other than mortgage interest : ~ €70K
Other information which might be relevant
Life insurance: both covered with life, mortgage & income protection
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
- What to do with €220K (inheritance)?
Plan a - pay €170K off mortgage, €50K in savings. Then increase AVCs.
Should I put €50K in state savings or what specific investment would people advise?
Option b - Pay ~€100K off mortgage invest €120K (kids education etc) & increase AVCs?
Plan C - Pay €210K of mortgage & increase AVCs. Thinking €120K + 500/ month invested will cover & if not we can dial down AVCs later.
All guidance/other option appreciated.
Thank you again.