inver road Cabra and barking dogs


Registered User
viewed a lovely house on this road yesterday. On either side of the house though the neighbouring dogs were barking at each other would this put other people off? I'm wondering if this would be a constant nuisance but it would be tricky to approach the neighbours and ask them do their dogs ever stop barking. Any opinions on the street appreciated too.
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I don't have any opinions on the road, as don't know it well

Barking dogs is an issue that would put me right off purchasing a house,no doubts at all. It sounds like the dogs are not loved enough,taken for walks etc and have problems hence the need to bark.I'd check with Environmental health to see if these houses have been reported for dog nuisance and ask any neighbours you see on the street in gardens etc, if the dogs bark constantly.It is your call but I personally couldn't live with it, as they are "needy" dogs and a new environment is needed for them or new owners!
thanks for the response I've gone off the house because of the barking dogs and the scary looking dogs being walked in the area, not comfortable with raising a wee fella where there are dogs known for turning nasty.
Hi money

I looked up cabra for houses as was curious and there are quite a few at the moment.Hope you find a house that suits