Introducing a new puppy to house with two dogs - problems!


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We had two dogs up to friday, one an 18-year-old half bred Yorkie, the other a 4-year-old pure bred Yorkie. Both of them get on fantastically well, eating together, sleeping together, etc. We decided to get a new puppy as the older dog will inevitaby pass on and we would rather have unbroken companionship for the 4-year-old as they are (we thought) very socially dependant and fun-loving dogs.

We contacted the lady that we originally got the 4-year-old from and she had a litter just born, though not from the same mother. We picked one out and collected her on Friday night. Problem is, the two we have aren't very accepting of her. The older one has thawed slightly in the meantime and, apart from the odd snap at the dinner bowl or if the pup is getting too boisterous, is grudgingly accepting of the pup.

The 4-year-old is scared, yes scared, of the pup though, even though she is 4 times the size. She runs away from, hides from and gets chased by the pup. If anything, she is getting even more afraid of the pup, who is a really friendly and playful little thing.

We have been more than careful to lavish attention on the two dogs, making sure to favour them when the pup is in the same room. We have never had this problem before when introducing a new pup to the household.

Does anyone have any ideas that might help all 3 become friends?
Had a similar problem about a year ago - see thread below:

I expect the new pup is just a bit too lively for the older dogs at present. In your case maybe separate the older dogs while you introduce the new pup to one dog at a time for say 20 minutes or so.

Happy to report my 3 are fine together now and when the older dog has enough of the teens she just leaves the room.

Good luck.
Brilliant thread Rois, thanks for posting the link. Will try to follow the advice and keep my fingers crossed.
Its all about keeping the balance and the pack leader holding position, if you yourself are pack leader then you need to assert that position with the new pup - while lavishing affection on the existing dogs is good, dont do it while the 4 year old is scared as you will nurture the fear if you do.

I would definitely go with the one at a time introduction as well, and for the scared dog perhaps hold the pup in your arms (or confine to a crate) at first so the dog knows there is no threat - the dog will read your energy so if you are confident she will pick up on that, if you are anxious she will also pick that up and get anxious herself.

Once they get used to the smells of each other and then allow proper meetings with you present, be sure to keep an eye so you can step in and correct if anyone misbehaves.

Just be careful not to nurture the 4 year olds fear, she has to deal with that herself and not be encouraged to be fearful by you being affectionate while she is fearful.