Intrastat Reports - help needed please



Hi all

I have been handed the responsibility of sorting out the company's Intrastat reports every month. :(

We use an ERP system called Mamut which produces quite a good Intrastat report with the main intrastat fields included.

My main question is how can we automate the intrastat reports we submit to revenue each month? The issues involved are as follows:

1. Not every product has an intrastat code, so I have to manually go through each invoice to find product, then lookup intrastat code list to figure out, it's hugely time consuming.
2. Not every product has weight listed on invoices, some just show overall weights. Is it ok to estimate weights by dividing total weight by number of products?
3. When I have all details collected I then physically have to write out all details on revenue intrastat forms, get them signed and post out.

Would revenue accept a print off from our ERP system if all details were enetered fully or does anyone know how to produce an xml file acceptable to revenue which can be emailed to them each month.?

Would be grateful for any help, it takes days to complete each month and is getting me coming under big pressure to improve the process significantly.

thanks in advance :)
Have you called revinue and talked to them about what they will accept? They are usually very helpful.