Interviews Out of Hours


Registered User
I am currently looking for a new job as things have become very strained where I currently work but I am having difficulty scheduling interviews, getting time off is difficult to say the least and so far the roles I have been successful in getting interviews for have required one meeting with the agent before they will submit your information and then a meeting with the company hiring, this is leaving me with a bit of a dilemma.

Do agents and companies respond well to requests for evening appointments?

Anyone any suggestions on how I handle this?

I have limited annual leave left at this point in the year but my main concern is not highlighting my activities to my current employer as this would only make the situation worse for me.

I would appreciate any advice or thoughts on how to handle this.

I was recently in this same position ie wanting to interview outside of hours.

I told me new employers that I had current work committments - they seem to appreciate this and met me within reason before and after work.

I also met with the recruitment agent on my lunch.
I was recently in this same position ie wanting to interview outside of hours.

I told me new employers that I had current work committments - they seem to appreciate this and met me within reason before and after work.

I also met with the recruitment agent on my lunch.

I was recently part of an interview panel and one candidate could not get time off work so we met at 0745 and interviewed at 8.00am. I wasn't thrilled at the early start but soon forgot about that. Got away earlier in the evening though!:)
Its a regular occurrence to interview people out of hours. We've never had a problem with interviewing early, late or even weekends. explain your situation and I'd be surprised if an arrangement couldn't be sorted out.
Thanks everyone, I have had mixed responses to my requests which I thought was a little unusual to be honest, I work in North County Dublin so meetings with recruiters which are generally City Centre based cant really be done at lunchtime.
I will keep looking and keep requesting early or late appointments and hopefully the right position will come along soon.