Internet idea - help needed


Registered User
Hi there,

I want to set up a website that will include a selection of short video clips for the public to view. I know nothing about the development of a website nor indeed how to go about establishing an internet website business. I have a few ideas and basicically want to know, are there people out there who have knowledge of how to do this and who might be in a position to help? The idea is simple, but there is potential for it to turn into quite a nice little earner.

Can you elaborate on the idea? All I can get from that is that you want to create a website like you tube.
Theyre called web designers. google them. the more you want done the more expensive it will be, you can get something basic for a few hundred, larger commerical sites run into hundreds of thousands.

If you want a basic site go to and try and put something together yourself, be up and running in no time.

can embed videos to your sites page.
I know nothing about the development of a website nor indeed how to go about establishing an internet website business.
The idea is simple, but there is potential for it to turn into quite a nice little earner.
This sets alarm bells ringing for me. This is the classic mistake. People undersestimate the costs involved - in getting someone else to do the work - and overestimate the potential rewards - being unaware of existing competition in the sector.

As car suggests look at google sites and PopFly. The idea being that you should be able to take your own idea from concept to working solution in under a week from your bedroom. If you can't then re-evaluate the concept. If you can and it doesn't click then bin it and work on another idea.

Have lots of ideas and bring to market quickly is the best practice. Bin them and start again if it's not as runner. Don't expend time and money on non-runners. Fail early.
Have lots of ideas and bring to market quickly is the best practice. Bin them and start again if it's not as runner. Don't expend time and money on non-runners. Fail early.

Great idea.

We should turn that into a phrase and then translate it into Latin as a motto.

It is better to fail early than to die slowly.
I suggest you contact your local enterprise centre and ask for some marketing advice before you waste money developing a site that no one might need (don't get me wrong, your ideas may be great, but your original post suggests you might not have thought it through to the point where you should be shelling out web development money. Apologies if this is not accurate.)
Yes, those sites are pretty dreadful alright. They are obviously not designers. Can't write either.
For a video site like that think 20,000/30,000.

Unless you just want a site that embeds some youtube videos. That could be done for a few thousand.

And judging by their own site stay miles away from that crowd above.
Just be careful about rights to the vids. From what you describe it sounds like a simple enough website to develop, but it's not just a website you're looking for, you need to decide on what application you will use for the vids themselves.

How much storage would you allow for users, diskspace is not overly expensive but it will cost you in the region of a couple of euro per month per GB in a hosted environment. For the backend app, you'd need to make some decisions, who uploads vids, what formats will it allow, what embedded mediaplayer does it support, who authorises (if anyone) the uploads, do users register or is it anonymous upload, do users vote, do they recommend, share. What format can they use? Can they delete, does it support RSS feeds, email. Anyway just a few thoughts. You might want to speak to a good techie to bounce some ideas off...
Hi there again,

still think my idea is a good enough one to try, so I was wondering does anyone out there have any experience of the companies located in the digital hub in Dublin.

My website will feature a small number of videos each month, short and to the point. I will be in control of the recording of the videos rather than those featuring, with their consent of course! I would like to be able to play them on a loop.

Basically that's it.
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Kinda like and their Watch Live TV section?

Try and do as much yourself initially. Even if the idea doesn't ultimately work you'll learn more in the process. Web development is a lot less complicated than many people assume. There are so many starter kits available for free. The most successfull web businesses are run by people who understand the technology, at least at some level.

Get your idea into a working prototype as quickly, and cheaply, as possible and let the market decide if it's any good.
Thanks Howitzer,

I reckon your right to just get it up and running as quickly as possible. Just got to find the expertise...