Internet Explorer opens itself?


Registered User

For some strange reason my internet explorer has started to open by itself, If I am already on the net then it starts a new internet explorer session and if I am not on the net then it opens randomly during the day. (10 times +/-)
Does anyone have any explanation as to why this happens or how I can fix this please?

Any advice appreciated.

Many Thanks and Regards
Re: Internet Explorer Opens Itself??

Thanks demoivre

I will go through the links to see if I can find something to help.

Many Thanks
Does it open on your chosen homepage? If not that would give an idea as to whats causing it(malware/spyware) Do you have a dedicated button on the keyboard for the internet? It might be sticky or damaged.A tea/coffee spill maybe?
Hi samspuds.
I also have this problem and have spent literally days of downloading/scanning with various malware/spyware removal tools. I've found loads of "critical" problems which I'd never noticed causing a problem and one which was (sending spam mails thro' my pc (see previous post)).
At the moment I'm annoyed with the whole long-winded process of scanning/rebooting, but my advice to you is to log onto "majorgeeks" malware removal forum and follow the procedure set out there. It's fairly longwinded but I'm confident it will solve your problem.
When I'm feeling up to it I will follow the procedure right to the end, but if you get there first and solve your problem then please let me know.
I will of course return the favour should I get there first.
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Be aware that many of the anti-malware/spyware programs out there are either ineffectual/fraudulent or downright malicious themselves.

On the past two occasions I've been confronted with friends' machines with 'odd' behaviour, I found that I was wasting my time trying to fix them 'surgically'.

Back up the data, then scan those files externally. Then, wipe the hard disc and restore from the factory discs.
Hi Guys

I work in an office with one other guy and when he was off for a day I did not have this problem but as soon as he logged in the next day the problem started again.
I checked and we were both have wireless keyboards which were on the same channel, I changed mine to channel 2 and have not had the problem since!!

Thanks for all your suggestions everyone

Ha ha! That's a good one. We would never have diagnosed that remotely from the details posted...
Thats just brilliant, what if 98% of viruses worldwide were conflicting wireless keyboard channels. Keep this quiet, you could put Nortons and McAfee out of business.
I was closest.I did suggest keyboard problems.......did I not??
Noron&MacAfee out of business...................Now that would be cause for celebration!!! Can I suggest Trend Micro the incredible processer hog as well