Internet Explorer 7 Final


Registered User
I see that Microsoft have released a final (or what passes for final in IE) version of IE 7. From the looks of it, it seems to be a complete bootleg of Firefox. Has anyone tried it and found that it has features that are not available with Firefox?

(Won't be able to try it until I get home).
I tried a beta version a while back but it killed my Outlook Express so I ditched it and stuck with FireFox.
I plan on downloading Explorer 7 soon -use Explorer 6 now but I have been offered a free Printer (sorry no make or model -only 1 year old apparantly). Should I wait and install Printer first on my PC and then Explorer 7 or should I just go ahead and get Explorer 7 now or does it really matter in which order? Sorry if this is a stupid question to ask.
I plan on downloading Explorer 7 soon -use Explorer 6 now but I have been offered a free Printer (sorry no make or model -only 1 year old apparantly). Should I wait and install Printer first on my PC and then Explorer 7 or should I just go ahead and get Explorer 7 now or does it really matter in which order? Sorry if this is a stupid question to ask.

The type of internet browser you use should be largely irrelevant to the printer. Assuming the printer has the correct drivers installed and the browser is 'pointed' correctly to the printer, there should be no difficulty in printing off webpages...
The type of internet browser you use should be largely irrelevant to the printer. Assuming the printer has the correct drivers installed and the browser is 'pointed' correctly to the printer, there should be no difficulty in printing off webpages...

- yes i might download it later - Explorer 7 can shrink text for improved printing and other options include adjustable margins, customizable page layouts, headers and footers.
I downloaded the beta some time ago as well but have not moved from firefox which it seems to be a poor copy of.

And apparently the first bug has already been found in it, although Microsot are denying it is a bug in IE7

[broken link removed]

One thing I noticed on IE 7 that i really liked was the zoom button on the bottom toolbar. Maybe this is available in Firefox but I haven;t seen it (or even looked for it)

But still thats not really enough to switch over for me, sticking with Firefox.

Also with the BETA the toolbar buttons were moved from their normal place, by which i mean the stop and reload buttons were near the top right corner rather than beside the forward/back buttons in the top left. That was odd and annoying.
I like it, am using it now.

It's less bulky than firefox which is nice. Also, it displays text much more clearly.
Was thinking up updating my home pc (XP) from IE6 to new IE7.

Is this a problem (see Clubman post below) as I use Express and all my stuff is in it?

I tried a beta version a while back but it killed my Outlook Express so I ditched it and stuck with FireFox

Actually now I remember that it was specifically Outlook Express collecting Hotmail that stopped working with IE7 Beta 2. Maybe that's fixed now although I think that IE7 includes its own support for email anyway..

IE 7 breaks Outlook Express with Hotmail (relates to IE7 Beta 2!)

BTW - FireFox 2.0 will be out any day now too.

Robert Jaques, 18 Oct 2006
Security experts have detected a malicious Trojan downloader being distributed in spoofed email messages claiming to be from Microsoft.
The email appears to come from, and offers a link to download Release Candidate 1 of Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.
Clicking on the link provided in the bogus email launches a maliciously crafted web site that looks very similar to a legitimate Microsoft page.
However, security firm SurfControl warned that the website installs a Trojan via a browser exploit targeted at Internet Explorer and effectively creates a backdoor on infected systems.
"This threat takes advantage of the release of Internet Explorer 7 Release Candidate 1 by Microsoft last week," SurfControl warned.
I thought some time ago they 'tweaked' Hotmail so that Outlook Express no longer read Hotmail accounts? You can still use Outlook (from MS Office) to send/receive Hotmail though.

Then they've launched Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta from which you can read Hotmail. Although it just appears to be a re-skinned Outlook Express.

Edit: Nope. Seems I'm lost with the times. You can indeed get your Hotmail with Outlook Express (unless you have/had IE7 Beta as ClubMan points out)
In any case uninstalling IE7 Beta 2 reverted things (i.e. to Hotmail working in OE) so there's most likely no problem with installing IE7, trying it out and removing it if you don't like it.
Downloaded and quite like it. In particular the features of ClearType (as they are calling it) gives text on a page a nice effect. I also like the quicktabs function which, when you have multiple tabs open, allows you to look at all of the tabs' webpages on one 'page'.

It will be intersting to see if they will allow the addition of extensions a la Firefox
I moved from IE7 Beta to IE7 and I've lost the 'Open in new tab' action in the context menu of a URL. Some sources attribute this to Google tool bar but disabling it doesn't make any difference. I think it's also screwed up my Live Messenger so I can't log on. I was getting on great with the Beta too.