Internet dial-up connection problems


Registered User
Ihave just buoght a new computer (Dell 51000) and have installed an eircom connection -it was one of the default connections bundled with the computer internet connection wizard.The connection keeps breaking at 15minute intervals thereby preventing me from downloading files grater than 3Mb- and its a right pain-I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it, I have tried another ISP eSAT BT and that has'nt worked either-Icant see anything in the help or internet options that is of any help.Any suggestions anyone??? daithi
Downloading files >3Mb is always going to be a bit torturous on a dial-up connection, daithi...

If you're still in the market for a dial-up ISP, could I recommend the [broken link removed] offering? It's no dearer than Eircom/BT, afaik, and it pays you back per usage (on a fairly miniscule scale, admittedly) in "Piggypoints"... (I use mine for buying mobile phone credit for my sprogs...)
You might have your settings set up incorrectly. It could be that your dial up connection is set to disconnect if idle for 15 mins so if you're downloading something big and walk away from the machine, it's automatically timing out because it is effectively being left idle.
Problem solved-I downloaded AVG free antiviral software, and that seemed to do the job-A techie friend reckoned it was a worm of some kind...daithi