Internal flights & travel ins cover


Registered User
I think it should be brought to peoples' attention about one particular exception which exists in travel insurance.
Getcover exclude ANY claim relating to internal flights. (Are Ireland-UK flights deemed internal for insurance purposes?)
This exclusion seems ludicrous to me.
Is there any point contacting the insurance regulator?
ClubMan said:
Does the policy document not give a definition of "internal flight"?

Below is the relevant section of the travel insurance policy which excludes "any claim relating to internal flights" As far as I can see, there is no specific definition of internal flight given.

(not available under the Backpacker Insurance cover)
What You Are Covered For:
The underwriter will pay you, up to the amount shown in
the Schedule of benefits on your certificate, for reasonable
additional accommodation and travel expenses, if you arrive
at your last departure point from the ROI or the last departure
point for your return trip to the ROI, too late to board your
booked flight, train or sailing, as a result of the following:
• scheduled public transport services failing to get you to
your destination in time due to strike, industrial action,
adverse weather conditions or mechanical breakdown, or
• the private motor vehicle in which you were travelling
suffering from a mechanical breakdown or failure, or
• the private motor vehicle in which you were travelling
being directly involved in a road traffic accident, which
resulted in mechanical breakdown or failure.
t What You Are Not Covered For:
The underwriter will not pay for the following in addition
to the general exclusions on pages 14 to 16 in connection
with claims made under section H:
• the excess as shown in the Schedule of benefits on your
• any upgrade in accommodation
• any claim arising as a result of you not having taken
reasonable steps to complete the journey to the departure
point on time
• any claim relating to internal flights....."

Elsewhere in the policy, public transport is defined as follows:

"Public transport
A train, bus, coach, ferry service or scheduled airline flight
operating to a published timetable to join the booked travel

Can anyone suggest how an internal flight can be reasonably excluded in the definition of public transport?