Interference on new stereo system


Registered User

I have just bought a mini hi-fi/DVD system off ebay. The system looks great and most of the time it plays great aswell. However, quite a bit of the time I get interference on the system which sounds like a very muffled two-way radio communication. This interference comes through on every function i.e. radion, CD and DVD.

Has anyone ever experience this type of thing before? Its also worth noteing that the house 3 doors away has a very large aerial comming up from his roof and a friend suggested some time ago that it looked like a CB radion aerial.

Could you move the system to another house away from the neighbour's aerial setup and see if the problem disappears? Alternatively ask them to switch off for a while so that you can test. Or ask them what frequencies they are operating on.
Unless the speakers are wireless ones, I can't think of a reason why you would get RF interference on CD or DVD playback. Sounds more like a dodgy hi-fi to me. Can you return it?
But why not try it elsewhere just to eliminate the possibility of interference causing the problem?
Thanks for the replies,

I have been onto them and they will take it back. I have other small radios in the same room and have had no problems. I think I will bring the system arount to my parents house and see how it behaves first and then see what happens.