Interfacing Irish bank account with Paypal ...



Declined a credit card ...

I've been living abroad for sometime now and I just came back to Ireland a few weeks ago. I make my living as a web developer. And it's very important to me that I can process payments online. To that end, I require an Irish credit card facility that I can pay money into. I don't need a line of credit, I only need a card that can work with online payment services like and that kind of thing. I talked to AIB a when I came home first, and I asked them to active my old credit card. They said that they were unable to, and that I'd need to have been living in Ireland and paying a salary into my Irish bank account for 3-6 months before I'd be eligible to apply for a new credit card. Does anyone have any suggestions about what I could do in this regard ?
Re: Declined a credit card ...

Try applying for an MBNA card. They seem to be happy to give them away to anyone.
Re: Declined a credit card ...

Apply for MBNA only if you are 100% you will not miss a payment as they are so quick to record it on the Irish Credit Bureau which will cause a lot more problems than not having a CC in the first instance.
Re: Declined a credit card ...

OK thanks.

I've tried funding my paypal account directly from my bank account. Unfortunately though, according to paypal - Irish banks don't allow debit account/online interfacing like that. So no luck there I'm afraid.

I've applied for an MBNA card. They sound kinda scary. I'm wondering whether or not I can use it as a debit card ? So that I can pay in a lump sum, and thus never have to go into the red - so to speak ?

Also, what's the story with secured credit cards in Ireland ?
Re: Declined a credit card ...

They are no secured credit cards in Ireland. :(

You can certainly use the MBNA card as a debit card if you preload it with cash. Just beware of running foul of their policies on missed payments etc.
Re: Declined a credit card ...

So then Irish banks won't allow you to interface your bank account with an online payment system like paypal. Irish banks don't allow secured credit cards. Irish banks won't issue a credit card without 6 months active bank statements.

Typical ...
I need a way to accept payments online.

It would be great if I could interface my bank account with my paypal account and then just transfer cash between my bank account and the paypal account.

I don't have a credit card unfortunately. Although, apparently you can't transfer funds from paypal to a credit card anyway, so it doesn't matter.

Anyway, my question is this. Why don't any Irish banks allow me to interface my bank account with my paypal account ? That's really annoying. What can I do about it ?
Re: Declined a credit card ...

So then Irish banks won't allow you to interface your bank account with an online payment system like paypal. Irish banks don't allow secured credit cards.

Agree they are not the most innovative with features.

Irish banks won't issue a credit card without 6 months active bank statements.
Typical ...

Why should they? Before they lend you money they are perfectly entitled to get a sense of you creditworthiness, 6 months statements while inconvenient for new/returning residents is not entirely unreasonable. Perhaps they could be more accomodating of alternatives like references from banks abroad or of course if they did do secured credit cards the issue could be worked around.
Do you still have your foreign credit card? You might be able to enable that with paypal.