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Overall Approach
14. In summary then Chairman, the hallmarks of our service to PAYE taxpayers are;
- There is no need for claim forms for most credits; any suggestion of “one claim, one form” (the Irish Taxation Institute’s proposal) would in fact be a backward step and out of tune with Revenue’s more modern thinking.
- Our philosophy regarding credits is (wherever possible) “claim once, keep forever”. This works well for standard credits with fixed amounts, where a person’s circumstances are unlikely to change from year to year. Any suitable credit, once allowed, is generally carried forward from year to year by the Revenue computer system.
- We operate a self-assessment ethic – we assume people are honest and allow them to claim their due. A small proportion of claims are checked.
- Relatively few PAYE income tax returns (Forms 12) are issued or required. 95% of workers never need to complete one.
- Where we do require a form to back-up a claim, we generally “prompt” the claimant to complete the form every year. For example, anyone who claimed medical expenses relief in excess of €1,000, will get a claim form in the post every year. The same thing happens where an elderly person claims DIRT exemption.
- As already mentioned, claims for refunds are prioritised as indeed are requests to get people off emergency tax.