Interest Refief Question


Registered User
Hi All,

I'm not great on these sort of things but my interest relief rate changed in January this year. I bought in 2007 so I'm in the 6th year of owning my place. Was it correct that the rate changed in year 6 of my mortgage?


if you did buy in 2007, for trs purposes you are in year 7.
but that does not matter.
you should be on the 30% rate on a ceiling of 10,000 per person,
trs is calculated at 30% or interest or ceiling, whichever is lower.

Thanks for the reply. The reason I ask is that I got a letter of my bank saying my TRS changed and so I am paying more then I did last year. Is this correct or should I contact them to see.

contact revenue on 1890 46 36 26
with your pps number

they are really helpful, and the phonecall will be quick,

ask for your ceiling
your rate and the year of trs that you are in.

if you are in year 7
ceiling = 10,000 per person
rate = 30%, as you bought between 04 and 08.

if there is a difference, ask them when your mortgage started as there may be an error,
then get onto your mortgage holder and confirm all the details.

and come back here if you need any info.