Interest only with Tracker


Registered User
I have a couple of questions so bear with me please...

Myself and friend bought an apt about 8yrs ago, mortgage remaining is about €255k, value who knows maybe €200... We have a tracker and mortgage is about €1200/mth but Management fee is about 250/mth.
Presently she lives there and a room is rented out. I live elsewhere with partner and 2 kids. We are both finding the mortgage a struggle. I have to pay new mortgage and chilcare plus kick in €300/mth to the apt.

It now looks like she may move to the UK after xmas. In that case we would rent the entire thing out. I have done my homework on what we would have to pay tax etc...and it looks like we'd both have to kick in €300/mth. This would go on forever it appears. And I wonder if we got a point where we could seel it for what the mortgage was should we get rid of it. Previously I had been saying we should hang onto it and eventually it would pay us I'm not sure.

If we have to rent it out and pay €600/mth into it, we are very worried about it not being rented for a couple of mths as we really could not pay the mortgage then. So we're thinking af asking if we could go interest only for 1yr, this would allow us to build up a few thousand to act as a buffer. We are both working and do not plan on letting this go (we both put €50k in at the start so don't want to lose that or credit rating).

Mortgage is with PTSB, are they open to giving interest only for a yr so that we can work through this without totally crippling ourselves?

Also given the figures above, shoudl we sell it in a few yrs if possible, when mortgage would get paid off, or hold onto it again if possible, and presume that in 20yrs time it would be a nice nest egg?
You would have to give more information for the smart people to give you an answer around here. But being on a tracker I'm going to assume that the interest is not going to be that much, obviously depending on what the amount you borrowed was.
The interest is low, I'm not sure what % above ECB we're on, but I would say interest is ~200/mth...guessing though
So we're thinking af asking if we could go interest only for 1yr, this would allow us to build up a few thousand to act as a buffer.

Well be for you go asking the bank anything, you need to check the term of your mortgage and see if you are allowed to keep the tracker while renting out the property - I understand that in most cases the answer is no.