P Pexus1976 Registered User Messages 189 25 Mar 2008 #1 Hello, Are there any calulators online that will enable me to work out capital and interest and interest only repayments? Thanks
Hello, Are there any calulators online that will enable me to work out capital and interest and interest only repayments? Thanks
L LDFerguson Registered User Messages 4,782 25 Mar 2008 #2 Karl Jeacle's Mortgage Calculator will work out capital and interest repayments. Monthly interest-only repayments are calculated as follows: (Capital borrowed x interest rate / 12) Liam D. Ferguson www.ferga.com
Karl Jeacle's Mortgage Calculator will work out capital and interest repayments. Monthly interest-only repayments are calculated as follows: (Capital borrowed x interest rate / 12) Liam D. Ferguson www.ferga.com