Interest only - How long does it go on for


Registered User
Does anyone know how long you can be on Interest only ?? Have been on it for just over a year now with UB. Have done the whole MARPS forms three times now and each time nothing is ever agreed formaly as not in arrears. The forms are all completed and I am advised that I will get comformation of the agreement in writing. This never happens and six month later or so get the call again and have to go over the whole MARPS forms with them again. I am always told that as I am not in arrears the team that deal with the MARP do not process my application. I underpaid my September payment and got a letter today telling me that as I had to stuck to agreement could be sent to the collections team. (Shortfall will be cover in Novembers payment) I am not in Neg Eq and Mort only €150k. Husband had a tumour a few years ago and not able to currently work. We have about 18 years to go on the mortgage and have no other debts.
I have the same problem but paying interest only for almost three years now. I have never once got a letter once from the bank confirming that they have agreed to the interest only payment. I asked them for this on numerous occasions but never got a reply. They don't even bother sending me out the MARP forms to fill.

MARP is a complete joke.