Motor Insurance Renewal Increase of €600 !!..

Eamonn T

Registered User

Iv been insured with Aviva for a few years now and my policy is renewd every september, Lats year I paied € 684 for myself and the wife, I have over 11 years NCB and theres been no claims or accidents during the past year ect. Today I got my renewal from Aviva whic is quoted at €1347 for the same policy as last year !..

I think thats a crazy increase !.. whats worse is this, I went onto the Aviva website and entered all my details in the online new policy quote form every detail exactly the same as they are on my current pollicy, The quote I got was for € 701.42 !!..

Seems like a bit of attempt to decieve customers or somthing to me where the assume the policy holder will simply pay the amount quoted on the renewal without checking out other options ect !..
My father inLaw had the same thing happen him back in June with a different company !..

This happen to anyone else??
I worked in insurance broking a fair few years ago. There was a time when rates were set and the premium for renewal was what you got if you came to us as a new customer. But competition and some very strange business practices left rates negotiable, not strictly based on underwriting criteria and would vary between new and existing customers, and even then sometimes be negotiable.

I think this is crazy. Rates should be based on underwriting experience and nothing else. The insurance industry is deeply flawed when it engages in this practice. It compares with the airline industry selling tickets based on demand and a profit motive.

You should always shop around for insurance every year, and be quite prepared to haggle. If you get a better price go with the company that offers the best price and don't forget the cover and benefits. If you like the benefits you have with the existing company, call them and ask them to match the best price you got.
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Also keep a record of the price quoted to you over the phone as recently i changed my car on date my old insurance policy ran out. Rang day before I bought car to check insurance prices, got quoted X and then rang next day from salesman office to pay and was quoted Y, which was highly embarrassing in front of salesman . Few weeks later I found the piece of paper where Id wrote down the X price and after a quick email to company was refunded the difference which was over €50.

Husband has commercial insurance and after 8 years with AXA got cheaper quote this year through a broker with Broker AXA package!!!!

Shop around.
That is happened to one of my cover with online price was much cheaper than renewal quote, called them and they matched that with online price, if Aviva's online price cheapest you can find in the market you should call them to get the match price and even tell them you have even cheaper offer from another company and they should match with their's if they want to keep you.
Was with Aviva last year and got renewal letter for €850 euro. Checked around got a policy through the AA for €450 with added benefits.
I was getting bike quotes last year all were simlar at 1000 1200 the fella I bought the bike off said tell them you had a quote for 600 and they will match it... so I did.. and they did??
half the price... with all the benefits I wanted.
Thanks for all the comments,

Seems like its a common enough practice then so !.. quoting current customers crazy renewal premiums and new customers getting the exact same cover for less than half the price !..

I think that, in what is supposed to be such a tightly regulated industry that Insurance companies should not get away with what I see as deceiving their customers into getting more money from them on renewals !..

I defiantly agree with shopping around, and to purchase the policy with the better benefits and cover ect.

My brother had insurance with Quinn’s about 2 years ago, He went with them as they were the cheapest quote he received by around €200 I think.
His wife had an accident in the snow and when the Quinn assessor came out he simply refused to accept the 3 repair quotations my brother had got from local body shops, he estimated the damage to be repairable for around €1500 less than what was quoted by the local repair guys ( I actually think 1 Repair quotes was from the main BMW dealer ). The assessor maintained that some damaged parts were perfectly repairable and did not need replaced ect. The assessor was very rude and insulting and repeatedly said to my brothers wife every time she attempted to voice her opinion " What do you know about repairing cars , just you stick to damaging them !.. I deal with this every day so I know what im talking about " He also said “ I don’t need to be talking or listening to you at all as your not the policy holder, your only a named driver on the policy and also the person that caused the damage to the vehicle" !..

In the end my brother had to accept the sum the assessor offered and had to pay slightly over €1000 himself to have the car repaired properly. I think it definatly goes to show that not all companies are the same and cover and benefits are important but the cheapest quote is not always the wisest choice as you get the service you pay for !..
Last edited: is very good for cheap quotes saved me a few 100 this year.