Insurance payout



Hi there,

I had a minor accident in June 2006 which i thought would cost my insurance company 1000 pound. I told them about it and i heard no word back. I rang them in Sept 2006 as I wanted a new quote for a new car I bought and I was told that there was a claim of 4000 pound against me due to the other party hiring a car while his car was been fixed. I was astonished but accepted apology only. In the meantime my car was stolen and I moved to a place where I didnt need a car in the city.

Now in July 2008 I plan to move to the country where I require a car again. I rang the insurance company today to confirm the claim amount so I could get a quote only to be told it had risen to over 10,000 pound!!! I couldn't believe it! I wasn't informed by phone / letter nothing that they claim was re-opened. They went off disputing the hire claim and ended up with outstanding invoices and involved solicitors fees and the story goes on.

I dont know where I stand as there was no communication with me about this at any stage. Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of a case like this.
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Find out if the claim is now finalised and if so ring around for quotations with other companies, a fair few will quote even with a claim against you. Your wasting your time contesting the amount paid out to the 3rd pary. There is a subrogation clause in every car insurance policy which means the company can basically do what they want once a claim is reported to them. Generally, it won't make any difference to you whether a €1000 (or pound?) or €5000 is paid out to the 3rd party.