Insurance no claims discount


Registered User
Couple of questions.....
1 if you call your insurer regarding a car crash you had and both parties decide in the end to get the work done themselves can it affect their no claims bonus. I know in the u.k. this can be the case.

2. If both parties in the crash claim it was not their fault and subsequently it is proven that one person is 100% responsible. Is the no claims bonus affected in any way of the person who is not at fault?
If there is no pay out by your Insurance Co. there is unlikely to be any effect on your NCB. That is the normal situation
1. No. The bonus is not affected because you didnt make a claim through your policy

2. No. The only thing that happens is that if the the injured party makes a claim under a comprehensive policy, their bonus will be stepped back until such time as the outlay of insurers is recovered from the other party who is responsible.
As usual the answers are "it depends". Some NCBs require the policy-holder to be both "accident-free" and "claim-free" and some NCBs are insured.
Although no payment was made by the insurance, it will still appear on your next renewal with a 0 euro amount beside the amount paid. It should not affect it though as you have only reported it unless taken further.