Insurance for tools


Registered User
Does anyone know where I would get insurance for tools that are kept in a van. The vans insurance doesnt cover contents and I dont have house insurance. Some of the tools were stolen from the van last night so I am anxious to get some kind of cover so I dont get stung again!
If you are self employed, why not try the insurers that already have your van, Employer/Public liability cover?
AFAIK it is practically impossible to insure trade tools that are stored in a vehicle and even where cover is offered the premium payable would be extortionate. Your best bet is to secure the vehicle as best as possible, have a good alarm fitted and where possible keep the tools out of view. The gardai (in fairness) do recover a lot of stolen plant, tools and equipment every year but unfortunately they cannot return a lot of it to the rightful owners because the tools are either not identifiable or the owners have not recorded the serial numbers. So invest in a cheap engraver to mark your gear and spray with car paint and a stencil.
Thank you for your replies. The van has an alarm and the windows at the back are covered in silver film so you cant see in. The tools were all marked with permanent marker and I think they are also engraved - they are my husbands so I am not 100% sure! I do remember him buying an engraver for that purpose though. He is not self employed as such - works through an agency. We searched for an insurance policy that would cover his tools when we last got cover on the van but we couldnt find one. It looked like a very professional job, the van was parked outside our house but we heard nothing. They punctured hole just below the lock and were in the van in seconds. The hole they left was so tiny that we didnt even realise the van had been broken into until my husband went looking for his kango hammer.