Insurance for storage/workshop unit


Registered User
Hi Guys

I found a small storage/workshop unit for my part time business and the owner wants us to have insurance cover in case we chop off our fingers or something! The unit is only going to be used for storage and packing, and will be used only evenings and weekends.

Because we are doing this on the side our finances are not the strongest! Can anybody tell me what is the cheapest, most basic form of insurance we can get away with?

What exactly is the business as it will affect any premium charged, you will also need need an idea of the turnover. Is he just looking for you to take out Public Liability? Is somebody else using the place or why does he care whether you chop a finger off or not, its not his problem!
Well we are furniture designers but we will be using the space to simply package and store our prototypes, really just to get them out of my apartment. Nobody will be using the space except ourselves. Turnover will not be much as it is more just a part time hobby at the moment, I would guess Max €4000 - €6000 in the year.

Nobody else is using the space, but it is a shed at the end of his garden (although we have a completely separate entrance) I know it’s not his problem, and we would never want to make it his problem if we got injured, but I guess he just wants security and peace of mind.

Is there any way we could explain to him if anything happened to us it would not be his responsibility? Or is there a very basic insurance policy we could take out?

Thanks in advance