Home Insurance for protected structure + leaky roof




I am looking at buying a house. It was built in the 1820s, is protected and has a leak in its felt roof. I intend to fully replace the roof (new timber and slates).
Problem is, no one seems to want to insure it. Depending on the insurer they walk out at "protected structure" or at "leaky roof".
I need the insurance to get the mortgage.
Have anyone come against the same issue? Do you know of an insurer / broker who would take this on? Would I then need an engineer report?

Thanks a lot
I honestly dont think you will get someone to do it. One of the qualifying questions on most proposal forms is "is the property in a good state of repair". Which it obviously isn't. You may be able to get fire cover only on it which should satisfy the bank. That said if you cant get it, the bank should be able to get it form you on their own schemes.
Hello, thanks for that.
I will check with the bank what their exact requirements are. Interestingly, AIB (the mortgage lender) won't insure the property.
I will also ask the vendor if he is currently insured and with who.
I had a chat with Cork's conservation architect and he said that they were aware that there was a problem with protected structures. They have the beginning of a list of insurers who "woud consider". A list of two actually. The only one I contacted so far (AXA) says no. I hope the brokers I have contacted will have better luck than me or I will have to pass on it.
It is hard to believe that there won't be someone somewhere happy to extract stupid amounts of money from me to insure this place.
No Insurer will take you on NOW if they are to replace the roof. You will do better with quotes if you replace roof first and present the risk with a NEW roof.