Insurance Disk


Registered User
Saw a Garda checkpoint the other day pulling over all the yellow regs (presume VRT?). When I got home, I decided to check my own details to ensure they were all there. Tax and NCT were up-to-date, but noticed my insurance disk was out of date. I am paying for it, but I either lost or misplaced the disk before I put it in.

Two questions:

1) Presume company will send me another disk?
2) What are the implications of a gard noticing this?


Re: Insuarance Disk

Get on to your insurance company\broker and ask them to issue another one. If a gaurd stops you they will normally give you ten days to produce your papers which you should have in that time frame.
Do you know where your cert is? This probably still has the disc atached. If you are stopped you will need to produce this, so it makes sense to keep it somewhere safe where you can easily lay your hands on it. Your insurance company may charge for copies.
You will also need to fill out a form requesting duplicates and confirming that the originals were lost / destroyed.
Well, hopefully I mis-filed it.

Now, was it under "I" for insurance...."C" for car or "A" for Aviva....
make sure its not just shoved in behind an old disk in the holder.

We have all see cars with loads of disks shoved into the widnow holder.