Insurance dilema - I bought a cut and shut car



Hi, looking for advice, I bought a car that turns out to be a cut and shut car, I did a few online car history checks and none of them said it was written off so I was feeling confident enough, I had a mechanic (friend) have a quick look over it, he spotted that there had been some damage but didnt think it was written off, not until a garage had it up on a ramp did they start to notice things.

Does anyone know if I have any comeback with my insurance company on this?

Your come back is against the person you bought it off.

Insurance doesn't apply here at all.
First things first, don't drive the car, ever ever again.

Secondly, your insurance won't cover you for your own error. Your issue is with the dealer or seller of the car
I'm not driving it at all. It was a private sale but my solicitor said I'm entitled to my money back.
No it wasnt an import, I did my research a little too late and found out it was written off 2 yrs ago, I have all those detials now, too little too late tho.
When did you buy it?
Maybe the seller didn't know it was a cut and shut?
Did you tell them you wanted your money back and if so what did the seller say?
Bought less than 4 weeks ago.
I get the impression the seller didnt know either but thats not my problem.
told them I want my money back or going to bring them to court (which will cost them a lot more). Seller basically said it will have to go though the solicitors.
would buyer beware not occur here if the seller didnt know it was a cut and shut?
Would've thought so. If the seller sold the car in good faith, and didn't knowingly withhold that kind of information, then I don't see how they can be legally held liable.
If I got my mechanic (friend) to look at it before I bought it I would be asking him about his qualifications!
By the way, a 'Cut & Shut' is when 2 cars are welded together to make one car. It's a huge risk to drive a car like that and I don't think anyone in the business would miss it.

A repaired write-off is a completely different story and there are many cars like it on the roads (legally). These cars are generally perfect to drive.

Which one is yours ?
You cant sell an illegal car and you should have no problem winning this. If the person you purchased from can demonstrate they bought the car in this condition then they also have a case with previous owner/dealer. If car is written off there must be paperwork somewhere on this.
Even if you win your court case, it may be very difficult to enforce a judgement. Has the seller got assets that can be siezed?
the seller could be calling your bluff if they said it has to go through the solicitors. I would get a solicitors letter sent out and see where is goes from there. If it's two cars welded together then never drive it as mentioned before, they can be lethal, however cars that have been wrote off can often be bought /repaired for re-sale. I hope it works out for you, best of luck.