Insulation ratings


Registered User
A bit perplexed about the ratings for cavity wall insulation: the below are all copied and pasted from a popular building supplies website; Is there really not much in the difference between 60 and 100mm other than price?

60mm Thermal conductivity of 0.022 / 0.023 W/mK

80mm Thermal conductivity of 0.022 / 0.023 W/mK.

100mm Thermal conductivity of 0.022 / 0.023 W/mK.

125mm xtratherm BBA Certified Thermal conductivity range: 0.021 W/mK.
The m there in the W/mK refers to one meter thickness of the material!

From your other posts, you seem to be planning a self-built with limited knowledge/ experience. Who is designing this for you and producing the required specs/ drawings? Who is certifying all this? You do know you need to appoint an approved certifier under the new regs?
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Hi Leo

Thanks for that info it explains a lot.

I am trying to do this with limited knowledge at the moment but I am accruing more knowledge as the days go by!

The plan is to draw the plans roughly myself and have an architects technician draw them correctly (girlfriends sister) and a chartered engineer as the certified assessor (my brother).

This is the current plan anyways.

Is there a calculation that allows to find out what 60mm 80mm, etc. will give? Not currently going with the under floor heating. But was looking to find out what either 60mm or 80mm floor insulation will give me.


The below is copied from the SEAI website

The exact thickness of insulation required will depends on the ratio of the perimeter to the floor area and on the insulation material itself but generally speaking you'd be looking at about 80-90mm in thickness of a high density rigid foam insulation to meet Building Regulations. You will need install high density insulation of the order of at least 120mm if you're going to use underfloor heating as the Building regulations require that you achieve a U-value of 0.15 W/m2K in this instance.

- See more at: [broken link removed]
You can't take them individually. You need to enter all the details to the DEAP program to show compliance.

Elemental compliance only works with extensions.

Also, for your brother to act as assigned Certifier he has to be in a position to do so by naming himself on all certificates with his PI Insurance on record.