Insulated door to garage v insulated garage door


Registered User
Hello all.

I am in the process of a self build house with a garage attached.
I have been looking at an insulated door for the garage which is in the region of 2000 euro versus the normal door at 850.
I would be fairly happy if I could somehow fit a 'sealed door' from the house to the garage and then go for a normal door on the garage.
Anyone facing this issue?

It makes no sense to use an insulated garage door as it wont be insulating much heat... unless the garage is going to be heated to the same degree as the dwelling....

it makes a lot more sense to use an insulating door between the garage and the house.
Thanks Syd,
Do you have any idea where to purchase an insulated door for the internal door?
Just make sure that the door is a good snug fit with a patent treshold to the bottom as you would do with an outside door, i think that it needs to be either a hardwood door & frame or a fire door to meet regulations from garage to dwelling house