Instalment Order Proceedings


Registered User
Just wondering if an application for an instalment order is brought against me is it advisable to attend court or is it true if I don’t that the judge cannot award an instalment order? Thank you.:confused:
You should definitely go to the court. Show the judge your financial income & expenditure.The judge will decide what you can afford to pay toward your debt.If you are genuinely in financial distress the judge will only make an order for what you can afford. If you don't show up the judge will assume you are a "wont pay" case and award a much larger monthly payment,or an order for the full amount.Take control of the situation and engage with the court ,it is in your best interest IMO.

This is just my opinion ,not a legal opinion.
Get in there and fight your case.
Very risky not to appear in court when asked.
Judges will be sympathetic to your case IF it is genuine and you are not a
messer. No point awarding an installment order for something you cannot pay.
Make sure to show this to the court
You should definitely go to the court. Show the judge your financial income & expenditure.The judge will decide what you can afford to pay toward your debt.If you are genuinely in financial distress the judge will only make an order for what you can afford. If you don't show up the judge will assume you are a "wont pay" case and award a much larger monthly payment

+1. You can't pay what you can't afford. Recent installment orders granted in a court in my area were €20 pm on a €109k debt ( yes that's €109,000 !), €100 pm on a €20k debt, €200pm on a €27k debt and €5 pm on a €15k debt. You cannot get blood from a stone.