Inside of front windscreen frozen


Registered User
There was a particularly heavy frost last night but my front windscreen was frozen up on the inside (on my week old car) this normal on really cold nights or a case of bringing it back to the garage to get sorted?
It usually happens on a new car that has maybe sat up in the cold for a while, give it a few days and it will get better.
Some basic physics applies: warm air can hold a lot of moisture. When it cools down, it releases that moisture as condensation onto cold surfaces (in this case, on the inside of your windscreen). So, if you do a reasonably long journey, expecially with a few passengers on board, or with wet coats etc. in the car, the internal air will be warm and moist at journey's end.

At the end of your journey, (especially if it is a cold dry evening) open a few doors and let the warm wet air in your car be replaced by colder, dryer air (or just open all the windows for a minute or two as you are coming in the driveway). This one step will greatly reduce the internal condensation to be found next morning.