Health Insurance Inpatient charge public hospital.


Registered User
Apologies in advance if this has ben covered already. Given that rules change so much I don't want to plough on in ignorance...

As I understand it I can be charged €75 per day for each day as an in-patient in a public hospital up to a maximum of €750 per year. Is that right ?

Does that limit apply only to each public hospital in which you might stay or to all public hospitals in one year ? Suppose two scenarios, as follows ;

1. Taken to St. Vincent's UH after an accident.
Stay as in-patient for two weeks.
Then transferred to Beaumont for four weeks.

2. Taken to St. Vincent's UH after an accident.
Stay as in-patient for two weeks and then discharged.
Later that year taken to Cork UH with a totally different issue and I am an inpatient for two

In scenarios 1 and 2 what would be my liabilities for the in-patient charge ?
Apologies in advance if this has ben covered already. Given that rules change so much I don't want to plough on in ignorance...

As I understand it I can be charged €75 per day for each day as an in-patient in a public hospital up to a maximum of €750 per year. Is that right ?

Does that limit apply only to each public hospital in which you might stay or to all public hospitals in one year ? Suppose two scenarios, as follows ;

1. Taken to St. Vincent's UH after an accident.
Stay as in-patient for two weeks.
Then transferred to Beaumont for four weeks.

2. Taken to St. Vincent's UH after an accident.
Stay as in-patient for two weeks and then discharged.
Later that year taken to Cork UH with a totally different issue and I am an inpatient for two

In scenarios 1 and 2 what would be my liabilities for the in-patient charge ?
It's an annual maximum across all public hospitals. see Citizens Information here:

Max charge in each scenario above is €750.