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Hi guys,
Hope someone might be able to help me out here. Just the background - I have a claim in with the injuries board since last May so I will probably expect a decision from them in Jan/Feb next year. I have submitted all but my most recent expenses and had my independent medical about 6 weeks ago.

Thing is, my GP has now advised that I give up working overtime for 6 months or a year and focus on my 'wellness', less physio more yoga/pilates etc. (Overtime for me is often 24 hours shifts alone and often without proper breaks)
How do I go to the injuriesboard with this? Do I send in my updated medical report and a statement from my employers of what I would have earned? Im not sure how to calculate what I would have earned though because of the problems listed:
Problems are:
a)gross income down by nearly half in a full year

b) That figure is based on current overtime rates. negotiations are on-going that may increase or decrease the amount we are paid on overtime

c) if it is a decrease, there will be compensation based on loss of earnings in the following year and my earnings will be artifically low and so compensation, if applicable, will be lower.

How do I submit all this to the injuriesboard at this stage, especially when they are probably very close to giving an award? If someone could tell me how this should work, Id greatly appreciate it. I have to decide within the next few days if I will go on the next overtime rota.

Will it delay a decision? The costs to me to do this are huge but I am willing to try it if im not out of pocket in the long run.
Once your claim is settled you may also be able to submit an OB21 form to claim off your PRSI. That's provided your accident happened in work.
You can make a claim on your PRSI and have a medical. They assess your level of % disability and you are paid on that. For example 5% disability is equal to €X, 6% is €Y etc. A lot of people are unaware that this is even in place. If you were travelling to or from work while you had the car accident you may also be covered though I'm not 100% sure. Google O2B21 and you'll get any info you need.