Injecting house


Registered User
My mother is very concerned about the weather predicted this winter. Her house isn't terribly well insulated and we are looking at ways to make it warmer. Has anyone had their house injected with insulation and would you recommend it, is it very expensive?
Actually getting the cavity insulation done as we speak - including the attic - 3 bed semi - 1200€ with €600 rebate. I'll update over the next few days/weeks with what we think of result if you would be interested.
No problem the company who are doing ours is TKA ltd based in county cork
I got my 3 bed semi done last year with bonded bead insulation pumped into the cavity. Cost was 1000 euro. At the same time I added an extra 4 inch layer of insulation to the attic myself. It made a massive difference to the comfort levels - the house stays warm for much longer once the heating is switched off.
Well it's done - they did the attic & walls & they were very efficient & tidy. They used a coloured filling on the outside for the holes they drilled & although you can see it, I've seen other places done where it's really obvious. They washed down the paths front & back & also swept up the mess. The guy offered to hoover for me but I wanted to do it myself. There was a bit of mess in the house, just the stairs & landing really - the weather was horrible while they were in & out of the house so it couldn't be helped. So we're pleased with them, they arrived when they said they would & got on with it. Hopefully, from what I've read it'll pay for it's self in heating savings.
Actually getting the cavity insulation done as we speak - including the attic - 3 bed semi - 1200€ with €600 rebate. I'll update over the next few days/weeks with what we think of result if you would be interested.

Is the rebate from SEI ?.
Did you agree it before hand with SEI ?
Is 50% rebate normal ? for insulating your house ?
Hi Shaking,
if your mother on a low income this may be of interest to mother is on a state pension and she has is the warmer homes scheme which is offered by seai
Billo, we contacted the company first - they had been recommended - then just applied on-line with SEAI & got their confirmation - it was really easy. The company guy completed the forms here this morning & the BER will be calling this week, then it's just a case of completing our part of the form giving our bank account details etc. & sending it off to the SEAI. As far as I can remember the €600 is the max for walls & attic - all the information is on the website.
My mother is very concerned about the weather predicted this winter.

Where is the source for this??? Sure they can only tell the forecast 5 days apart and then nine times out of 10 they get it wrong.

Mind you they have forecast a scorcher for the weekend, hope they're right, would love one last blast of sunshine before the dark dreary days roll in
Also heard that winter is going to be bad - I actually said the same thing when I saw all the shrubs weighed down with berries - ok I know it's an old wives tale - but I am an old wife!!
Marietta, mum's been listening to all the stories on the radio about how we're in for a terrible winter. I know there's no way of knowing what the weather was like, but the house was freezing last year and I guess she's working off the assumption that it will be something similar.