Initial Deposit


Registered User
Im a first time buyer and I'm going to start house hunting. If I put a deposit on a house but then decide a couple of days later I don't want it so I should get a refund. My question is what kind of document should I get that ensures I will get my deposit refunded. I know I might sound a bit thick here but I'd rather it be on this forum than the auctioneer.

There are two types of deposit - the booking deposit and contract deposit.

A booking deposit is usually between 3000 and 5000 euro. This is fully refundable and the receipt you get from the estate agent should verify this. The contract deposit is paid when you sign contracts and i non refundable.
hi stephen. I've been thro a horrendous ordeal as regards this deposit. I paid a 10K deposit which was an awful lot to pay and have backed out cos of enginneers report and now the auctionner claims he wants a copy of the report beofre i get my deposit back. i paid 400e for the report from the engineer.theres no way he's gettin it!
hi stephen. I've been thro a horrendous ordeal as regards this deposit. I paid a 10K deposit which was an awful lot to pay and have backed out cos of enginneers report and now the auctionner claims he wants a copy of the report beofre i get my deposit back. i paid 400e for the report from the engineer.theres no way he's gettin it!

Was this 10K deposit a booking deposit or a contractual deposit? - these are two entirely different situations. If you paid a booking deposit only and did not sign any contracts, you are entitled to walk away and have your deposit refunded. If it was after contract stage, the situation is different and you badly need to talk to your solicitor.

why won't you give him a copy of the report??????

If i had paid money for get a report done, why should i give it for free to anything else?

The refund of a booking deposit has no conditions attached to it.