Inheritance Tax beneficiary UK resident


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Is there any guide to how inheritance tax works for an Irish citizen working in the UK who inherits from a parent.

Irish parent, one child beneficiary in the UK. I assume you don't get taxed twice, that there is a double taxation agreement.
Irish Inheritance tax is paid by the person receiving the inheritance
UK Inheritance tax is paid by the estate of the deceased, not by the person receiving the inheritance

So not sure what you are asking about - are you asking about someone living in the UK receiving an inheritance from an Irish estate?

An Irish person could live anywhere - in general citizenship has no effect on inheritance tax, it's residence that counts
Yes someone living in the UK receiving an inheritance from an Irish estate.
Taxable by the Irish Revenue, not taxed by the UK HMRC - the UK don't tax inheritances, they tax estates

There might be UK tax if part of the estate is property situated in the UK