Infra red extenders


Registered User

I want to be able to remotely sontrol hifi equipment from any room.
How do I setup a infra red extender system in my house. If anyone has done that please can you list the exact cable, equipment distances etc you had.

Hi Lucret,

Depends on what you want really. If you want to be able to control a stereo/cd player etc remotely from one room only, a very simple wireless IR extendor would do the trick nicely for you. If you are looking for something a bit more fancy, as in control from multiple, or all rooms, then you are looking at something a bit more detailed. You could go wired or wireless for IR control, and then again, you can go very fancy with your remote controll also. There are some very fancy remotes out there (universal remotes) which have IR outputs, but also RF outputs that transmit to a remote RF to IR convertor to allow you controll from anywhere in the house. I think somnething alone the lines of a Pronto remote is the specific device. Other options would be to install a wired IR distribution system, which is still quite easy, and probably more felxible and reliable in the long run. IR transmitters placed around the house require only two wires back to an IR splitter like a buffulo IR amplifier. Many people hide little IR receivers inside PIR sensors for their alarm systems, the advantage being, that the can use the same wiring as long as they just add an extra pair on top of what is needed for the PIR (3 pairs normally needed for PIR, so a 4 pair cable to all your PIR's and you practically have your IR network already).

I waffle again. Have a look at they have a really good list of IR extender products, both wired and unwired. You dont neccessarily need to buy of them, as many of the things can be got locally from Argos etc. If I you are in the process of building and renovating, I would look at and join their forum, cos you will get loads of advice on these types of issues here from people that have been in the gadget game for years.
