Information on Old Celbridge Estates

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Anyone got feedback on or live(d) in the following estates in Celbridge

Crodaun Forest Park
Thornhill meadows
Thornhill gardens
Beatty Park
Beatty Grove

Are these estates Quiet/Safe/settled. Do they have much/any trouble
What other estates in Celbridge are quiet/safe/settled - Any places to avoid?

Any other information i should know about these areas

I don't know much about the estates except for Crodaun. Have heard that is lovely. Have you been to see it yourself?

There is an estate in the centre of the village St Patricks Park. This is an old council estate, and from what I gather it might have been on the slightly rough side years ago. Like many old coucil estates, a lot of the houses would have been purchased from the council at this stage.
I am sure that it is fine now though.
Just something to bear in mind.

If you are looking around Celbridge, have you viewed Castletown?
I am from celbridge all my life and grew up in st patricks park. This is for the most part a nice quiet estate... If you havent lived there i dont know why you deem yourself fit to pass comment on the negative sides of any estate.
All of the estates that you have mentioned are lovely. Crodaun would probably be my favourite as it is always maintained well. I have family and friends living in all of the estates that you mentioned and they have no complaints about any of them.
If you havent lived there i dont know why you deem yourself fit to pass comment on the negative sides of any estate.

Mar12 I hope you are not referring to me when you made the above comment. I don't know what you could find negative about what I said about St Patricks Park. What I said was fact... chip on shoulder maybe???
I agree Creme Egg. Have family living in Celbridge and thought your comment was fine. Mar12 I found your comment very defensive and this would automatically get me wondering as to why, as I am sure it has the op.
Crodaun is the nicest estate on your list IMO. Parents have lived there for 10+ years and love it. quiet, mature estate. definitely one of the most prestigious of the older estates in celbridge. Nice and near the celbridge interchange as well for easy access to M/N4.
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