A friend set up a business at the end of last year. He was let go from his job just before that. The business folded after 3 months( in December) . Can he claim JSB ? He had been in full time employment for a number of years paying full PRSI.
Thanks for the reply,so much misinformation out there about who can get what!! He is also confused about getting help with his part of the mortgage? He has a joint mortgage with his partner who is still working and struggling to pay the total amount.
Thanks for the reply,so much misinformation out there about who can get what!! He is also confused about getting help with his part of the mortgage? He has a joint mortgage with his partner who is still working and struggling to pay the total amount.
If he is not eligible for jobseekers benefit or is only eligible for a reduced rate because of his average earnings in 2010 he can apply for jobseekers allowance which is means tested. While applying for either and waiting for processing of same he can apply to his community welfare officer for supplementary welfare allowance.