Info on Johnstown, Navan.


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My friend is about to put a deposit on a house in Birch Drive, Johnstown. Can you tell me is it a good area and is it nice for a family?. Also info required on schools. Lismullen is full so St. Stephens will take her son into junoirs (he started his current school in Sept), what is it like?.
Any advice greatly appreciated from my fav website AAM !!!
we went to look in birch drive in johnstown when looking for a house in navan, we then decided to stay away from johnstown as we heard from a few people that it is a bit rough & will be in a few years as there is loads of dubs moving up there, we were told that it will be like little blanchardstown in a few years, so we opted to move the other side of navan & we love it
If you are comming in my Kentstown into johnstown, birch drive is to your left & supervalu is straight ahead of you atlumley is to your right...
Hello, I have to disagree I live in Johnstown and its a lovely place to live. I know people that moved to the far side of Navan and they would love to move over to the Johnstown side. Johnstown as everything you need on your doorstep, shops, schools, pubs, take aways, nice walks, church etc. Plus your only 10 mins from the town. Ture Johnstown has loads of Dubs living there, but I have never had any problems nor have I ever seen anything 'rough'.. If your friend likes the house and the area then she should go for it, tell her to stay down there for a few weekends to get a feel for the place and talk to people that live there already, Good Luck
Angela, I am not saying there is anything wrong with Johsntown,
My sister lives in Carnhill for the last 5 years & loves it,
but when we were looking for houses in Johnstown,
my partner knows people that work in the supervalu & the pubs in johnstown & they told him to stay away from johnstown that will be little blanchardstown in a few years time & the houses are way over priced just to be on that side of Dublin...
If everybody from Blanch is moving to Navan who's living in Blanch?? A lot of first time buyers moved to Navan in the past ten years because it was affordable particularly Johnstown - these were not just people from Blanch and I can assure you that there is nothing to be seen in Blanchardstown that is not seen in every other large suburb in Dublin. I have heard people talking about problems down the road in Johnstown - IMO this will be down to the sheer volume of young people who are going to be living in the area - ten years down the road all these cute kids belonging to the working couples will be teenagers who've been reared in creches and have looked after themselves after school for years with nobody watching them - it will not be down to the fact that their parents hailed from Blanchardstown. The same could be said for most large estates across the country - they will all have problems in 10-15 years time. Johnstown is a very large area, however from what I've seen the facilities are pretty good - Navan is a nice town a stones throw away, again like any town it has it's good points and bad points.

Good god, i am only saying what we were told, when we were looking at johnstown for house's. people from Johnstown told us that !!!
"ten years down the road all these cute kids belonging to the working couples will be teenagers who've been reared in creches and have looked after themselves after school for years with nobody watching them - it will not be down to the fact that their parents hailed from Blanchardstown."

What has that got to do with anything ???... teenagers who have been reared in creches & have looked after them selves for years...

come down off your high horse
Fee, I think the point is that you cannot justify your point of running Johnstown down..And comparing it to Blanchardstown.. Thousands of Dubs have moved down to Navan over the years not just people of Blanch.. In fairness, everywhere changes given 10 years. Remember 30 years ago Blanch was just fields and not many housing estates.. It happens everywhere, its up the residents to make sure it doesnt get out of hand. Good luck in your new home I am sure you will be very happy.
Good god, i am only saying what we were told, when we were looking at johnstown for house's. people from Johnstown told us that !!!

Did these people have young kids!. It's nothing to do with being on a high horse - this is the reality of these huge estates. I don't give a monkeys what people do with their kids, I don't care if they stay at home or go to work - whatever suits them - all I am saying is that this is going to contribute to the problems in the estates down the road. Or are you seriously trying to say that these problems that you have been told will happen in a few years will only exist because of the people from Dublin! - Get real, there will be problems all over Ireland in all of these large sprawling estates - if people don't want to deal with this then they will have to opt for smaller, older estates.

ney001, if you read back at what i posted i said "my partner knows people that work in the supervalu & the pubs in johnstown & they told him to stay away from johnstown that will be little blanchardstown in a few years time"
I DID NOT SAY IT, People that actually live in johnstown said it to my partner, .. I moved from castleknock / blanch area myself so i am not running either area down also as I said my sister lives in Johnstown the last 5 years & loves it....