INEC Killarney: Recommend a good place to sit?


Registered User
I'm thinking of going to Riverdance at the INEC Gleneagle in Killarney. I've never been before.

Can anybody recommend a good place to sit?

There is

- the "stage" in front of the stage I guess
- the "stalls", back further
- left balcony (1st and 2nd floor)
- right balcony (1st and 2nd floor)
- back balcony
- upper back balcony

I'm thinking that for riverdance it might be nice to be up on a balcony to get the effect better. Surely if you are in front of the stage you won't see much but a mass of people?

Any recommendations?

green stalls row f to j is central red stalls fine also same rows about half way up